The EcoTypes forum is available for invited participants to engage with each other across distance. If you have been invited, please read and follow the below.
What is the EcoTypes forum?
The EcoTypes forum gives selected participants an opportunity to interact with others, typically college students from other institutions, regions, and countries.
The EcoTypes forum consists of topics to which you will reply. You will do this in small groups of approximately ten participants each. It starts with one topic, Introductions, allowing you to introduce yourselves to each other in your small group, then proceeds to other EcoTypes topics. The forum includes the following features:
- It is private. Only logged in participants can view and post, and only those in your small group will see your forum. Profile information includes first and last name only; no contact information is shared.
- It includes profiles (see below), with an avatar and relevant information next to each post
- Simple HTML buttons allow participants to style their posts and add links.
- There is a Like button next to each post for participants to acknowledge helpful posts.
How do I prepare to participate in the forum?
Please start by customizing your profile! Registered participants: login, then go to the Edit Profile page and follow these steps, from top to bottom of your profile page. (Feel free to click on any image to expand.) Remember to click Update Profile at bottom when done!
1. Verify existing info. Toward the top of your profile page is your first name, last name, and email address provided when you were registered for the forum. You may edit this information as needed. | ![]() |
2. Choose an avatar. An avatar is an image that represents you; it may be anything you wish. By default, the forum uses your Gravatar if you have one. But you can also upload your own avatar: just click Browse… and select it. | ![]() |
3. [Important!]: Add forum profile info. At the bottom of your profile page is the information that will show up on your forum profile next to your posts. Please choose the EcoType you were assigned from the survey, and choose your participating institution. Then please enter your home city (e.g., Portland) and home country (e.g., France). | ![]() |
OK, I’m ready! How do I participate in the forum?
Your instructor will provide an overview of forum expectations and participation. Do read the guidelines below!
Here are the two topics you’ll discuss, in small groups, so that you can prepare a bit.
- Introductions: Please briefly introduce yourself to fellow EcoTypes forum group members. What are some of your interests in school? Do you have any special hobbies or talents? What is something surprising about you?
- Comparisons: What is your EcoType? Can you think of actual Place, Knowledge, or Action examples from your life that relate to your EcoType? How does your EcoType compare with (a) all EcoTypes results so far, (b) LC and ESSCA students, or (c) others who differ from you (e.g., your complementary EcoType)?
the spring 2024 EcoTypes forum IS NOW CLOSED.
Below suggests what you will see, followed by five rules we ask you to follow.
At right is an image of a typical post. To the left is the participant’s avatar, name, EcoType, city, and country. To the right is their posting, and above is a Like button you can check if you like their post. | ![]() |
Next is an image of your Reply box. To get these formatting buttons, click the VISUAL tab. Remember when you are all done to click Submit at bottom! | ![]() |
Let’s consider some basic guidelines to keep in mind, so that our EcoTypes forum is safe, enjoyable, and valuable to all participants.
- To reply to an existing topic: Read the topic carefully, then browse all posts before replying. This forum is a conversation: start by listening to others, then feel free to share.
- Your fellow participants will be happy if you quote them in your post! It will show that you are paying attention to them.
- Another simple thing you can do is click the Like button next to posts you find especially helpful or thoughtful.
- Please be respectful and genuine in your posts…you’ll see this reminder when you post as well.
- “Respectful” means you are considerate of other participants; “genuine” means you speak honestly in your post.
- Being respectful doesn’t mean you must be dishonest!..and, being honest doesn’t mean you must be disrespectful. Be both.
- Try to model curiosity over judgment. Curiosity is a good open-ended way to join in on a conversation; judgment usually closes off conversation, and should be avoided.
- Here are some curiosity phrases: “I’m interested in…”; “I would be curious to hear more about…”; “I’m wondering why…” Demonstrate curiosity about yourself and others, and you may find more participants interacting with you!
- Judgment phrases are common but less helpful: samples include “I don’t agree…,” “I don’t like…,” and many others.
- Use the VISUAL tab to add styling or links. Typically you will select related text, then click the styling or link button. Links require a full URL.
- Know you’ll have up to 5 minutes to edit after you post…you’ll see this reminder as well. You may want to re-read your post right after you publish it, in case there are spelling or grammar issues, or you want to edit a section.