Here are student summaries of fall 2024 MCJD dialogical surveys with Willamette Valley farmers and ranchers. Click on any title for details, then return to see all titles.
Importance of Perspective
Event: Willamette Valley AgricultureInterviewer: Ian
Whom did you interview?
The person I interviewed was named Matt who is a grass seed farmer from Oregon.
How did your EcoTypes and SDG priorities compare?Our EcoTypes were on the opposite scale, and some of our SDG’s were similar in priority. My EcoType was Earth Action which was the same as last time I took it, and the person I interviewed had the EcoType of Land Stewardship. I was surprised by this because when discussing each statement I thought we had a lot of similar views, but after looking through them again to figure out his EcoType, it was the opposite of mine.
What larger MCJD lessons did you learn?The larger MCJD lesson that I drew from this interaction was that people’s lived experiences shape how they view certain topics in the world. An example of this is how a farmer from Oregon views the world compared to someone like me, a college kid from Southern California. It helps to give a different outlook on how people view environmental issues and multiple solutions in order to find the most effective one.