Here are student summaries of survey observations with visitors to the Tillamook Forest Center, adapted for the public Rain Festival event. Click on any title for details, then return to see all titles.
What Do Forest Workers Think About the Forest?
Event: Tillamook ForestInterviewer: Owen
Whom did you interview?
The main person that I interacted with was one of the workers in the front of the exhibits. They mentioned that they have worked there for around 20 years.
How did your EcoTypes and SDG priorities compare?I think that this worker and I had similar views in the aspect that we both believe the forest should be used for both industrial but keep a majority of it private reserved forestland for the natural habitats there. Such as to allow logging by keeping Tilamook multi-use whereas the wilderness that has been left alone and overgrown stays that way for the animals.
What larger MCJD lessons did you learn?I guess some larger lesson that I learn is about everyday ecosystems and how much people can impact it such as releasing fish or keeping ecosytsems together. Something that made me really connect with this trip in MCJD views was the fact of technology and how much it has advanced and changed to be able to save and teach people about the forests.