Here are student summaries of survey observations with visitors to the Tillamook Forest Center, adapted for the public Rain Festival event. Click on any title for details, then return to see all titles.
The Solitude of the Tillamook
Event: Tillamook ForestInterviewer: Daniel
Whom did you interview?
I met a visitor of the visitor center in the Tillamook Forest. He was clad in a full waterproof outfit with a big smile. He talked about how fresh the air was in the forest, and how it is extremely calming and pleasing.
How did your EcoTypes and SDG priorities compare?I am assuming this visitor leans towards the Non-human Place Ecotype. He said, “I really enjoy that nature hasn’t been commercialized, just preserved,” This leads me to believe that he prioritizes the nature untouched by man.
What larger MCJD lessons did you learn?It seems as if most people who we interviewed prioritized nature as being separate from people. This does not necessarily mean that these people agree on the methods by which to achieve and sustain this. It’s also worth noting that the interviews we conducted were at the forest visitors center, so participants of the survey had to already go out of their way to be in the forest, so it is not a completely unbiased setting.