Here are student summaries of fall 2024 MCJD dialogical surveys with members of the First A.M.E. Zion congregation. Click on any title for details, then return to see all titles.
How ENVS Impacted My EcoType
Event: First AME ZionInterviewer: Cole
Whom did you interview?
Georgia is a extremely sweet woman who has been a member of the First AME Zion Church congregation for the last 25 years.
How did your EcoTypes and SDG priorities compare?We had the same EcoType! It was really surprising to me that we both ended up being placed in Earth Action. We did not have enough time to get to compare our SDG priorities.
What larger MCJD lessons did you learn?One thing that really struck me is how a lot of the answers I had were the same as Georgia’s, but for very different reasons or how we would say the same thing out loud, yet put our answers on opposite sides of the scale. An example of this would be for the question in the place category, “Earth’s ecosystems tend toward stability and balance among the animals and plants that comprise them” vs “Earth’s ecosystems actually tend less toward equilibrium and stability, and more toward dynamism and change.” We both vocalized how both could be true, how Earth’s ecosystems have always been in flux and changing, but that doesn’t mean they are not stable and natural.