Here are student summaries of fall 2024 MCJD dialogical surveys with members of the First A.M.E. Zion congregation. Click on any title for details, then return to see all titles.
Making a Mark on the World One Community At a Time
Event: First AME ZionInterviewer: Amber
Whom did you interview?
I sat down and had a conversation with Hazel. She has grown up in the first AME Zion church and has been there for 75 years. She has been able to watch the church grow and expand to what it is today.
How did your EcoTypes and SDG priorities compare?We both had the EcoTypes of Small Green Steps. We seemed to agree on how environmental issues should be solved and how we can work as a society to better our world. She differently leaned to old knowledge where I on the other hand lean towards integral knowledge. She thought that we should look to the past for solutions on how to move forward as a society and that technology is something to fear. I on the other hand believed that we need a combination of both to move forward as a society. Overall we were similar but had some differences that we could expand on and therefore work to understand each other’s perspectives.
What larger MCJD lessons did you learn?Everyone has different ideas on how the world should be changed for the better. Hazel demonstrated this by her love of her religion and using that as her way to make the world a better place. You do not have to be religious to appreciate the work that Hazel puts into her community. Many people want to make their mark on this world and they have their perspectives on how they will do that. Being at First AME Zion church really helped me understand this lesson and appreciate the work that people do in their lives to make the world a better place even if it differs from my ideas.